Sunday, March 3, 2013

About that...

Yeah, so about the whole blogging thing... I seem to procrastinate... A LOT.

Any tips on staying motivated about blogging?

Maybe I need a routine.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's about timing

So I started creating this blog about 3 hours ago...and this is as far as I've gotten. And fair warning: I tend to jump around a little. For someone who avoids change, I sure do embrace it when it comes to colors, layouts, and edits.

And that's where timing comes into play. I might have gotten more done if Shark Week didn't start today. I might have already had several posts if I didn't change the layouts and colors every other day. But everything comes down to timing. If I had started blogging right when I intended to - when I moved back to Louisville in June - I might have missed out on things like pool time and yard work. And don't even get me started what could have happened from there.

This blog will be the epitome of eclectic. I have lots to say and even more that I want to share and do, so a variety of posts will be found at Creating Captions. My thoughts, DIYs, recipes, a sarcastic ramble, a new purchase, a new place of interest, and lots and lots of photos.

OH! Creating Captions, the name of the blog...let me explain that one. Captions are perhaps even more important than the pictures themselves. What's the point in visually seeing the memory if you have no record of what the memory was? I want to create the caption...create the memory, not just photograph it. Create the reason for the memory, the reason to capture it through a photo. Pictures are the best tangible items we have to remind us of our past, of where we've been. That's why it's my goal to create the best situation and memory I can, because that's what the caption will read. And I will always encourage you to create your own caption in everything you do.